2024 Lineman Appreciation
We are once again celebrating our linemen this April for Lineman Appreciation Month! Please color a coloring page or leave them a note to let them know how much you appreciate them! As a thank you to our members, if you turn in a coloring page or note, you will receive a small gift. Our goal is to have these coloring pages/notes turned in by April 15, 2024.
We have a variety of coloring pages available to print or pick up at our lobbies! We would love for you to share these with your students so they can color/write and return them to one of our offices. We can also arrange to pick up your class's pages if needed! We would also like to give each of your students a small gift as a thank-you! Feel free to take pictures of your class drawing for us to post to our Facebook page for a shout-out, although it is not required! Please contact Kelsie at kbaldus@co-mo.coop to arrange to pick it up, and let us know how many trucks you will need! If you are interested in requesting a lineman to visit your classroom, please let us know.
As stated above, we have coloring sheets available for printing or picking up at our lobbies! You can also pick up a build-your-own paper Co-Mo bucket truck or squeezable bucket truck as a thank-you when you bring your child's coloring sheet to our office!
Our line workers love hearing from our members! We would love to see some letters, notes, and comments from our members! Feel free to send us a letter or leave them a message here: https://bit.ly/3IZxquf We will make sure they get to our linemen!