Co-Mo Connect 85th Annual Meeting
- Thursday, May 23, 2024 -
Byron John Haldiman - District 3
My name is Byron Haldiman. My wife Kendra and daughter Marie live on a farm in Moniteau County in District 3. I have been a life long member of Co-Mo electric and grew up with my dad being on the Board of Directors for many years. I have lived in Moniteau County my entire life and now reside and operate the family farm raising cattle and crops. In addition to farming, I have been an Automotive Technician for a Toyota dealership for 24 years. I was a member of the California Shooters Club for many years serving as vice president and president for a term.
I’m seeking election to the Board because I feel that I can bring new ideas and new ways of looking at problems. With years of being a diagnostic technician, I am constantly learning new technology and I understand how looking at a problem or goals from different angles is paramount. I also understand that, in the future with car companies transitioning to electric vehicles (EV’s), the demand for electricity will be ever increasing in addition to finding power sources that keep the EPA happy. I have a good understanding of what is expected out of me to properly serve the members of our community. I know we have a very talented employee group at Co-Mo and I hope that I can add to it. Looking forward, the challenges are great when it comes to keeping rates low, maintaining reliable infrastructure, and building for the future.
Thank you for your consideration.